
EL2305 is a single-door networkable access controller, designed with LCD display and keypad (programming use), for mounting inside a metal panel. It developed as a third generation successor to the EL2000 series, offer larger card user database and larger transaction log storage with upgrades on MCU, memory and communication.

  • Separate control unit – high security
  • Backlit 2×20-character LCD display and 16-key keypad
  • Reader support: Magnetic, Bar Code, EM/HID Proximity, Mifare, Biometric devices
  • Large database of 25,000 card users and 10,000 offline transactions
  • 24 timers and 10 time zones
  • Provide Dual Card and Special Card feature
  • Card, Card + PIN, PIN
  • Supports Anti-Passback
  • Flash memory allows easy upgrade
  • Communication Interface: Multi-drop or RS485 or TCP/IP (with LAN module)
Communication Interface  Multi-drop or RS485 (3-wire) or TCP/IP (with LAN module)
 Output  2 (On-board), 6 per door (with EA8)
 Input  2 (On-board), 2 per door (with EA8)
 Power Supply  12 VDC
 Current Consumption  40 mA
 Card Database  25,000
 Transaction Database  10,000
 Card Format  Wiegand 26-bit, Free Wiegand, ELID Magnetic, ABA, Bar-Code
 Operation Mode  3 (Card, Card + PIN, PIN)
 Time Zone  10
 Timer  24
 Holiday  20
 Adjustable Lock Release Time  Yes
 Permanent Lock Release  Yes
 Automatic Pin Disable Time Zone  Yes
 Automatic Lock Release Time Zone  Yes
 Ignore Exit Time Zone  Yes/No
 Inhibit Access  Yes
 Continuous Swiping  Yes/No
 Anti-Passback  By reader/timer
 Dual Card  Yes


EL2305 Standalone Configuration

EL2305 System Configuration 

Ordering Information

 Access Control Unit


EL2305 Single-Door Access Controller 

 Product Code: EL-1335-001



 EA79B TCPIP LAN Module built-in with RJ45 socket

 Product Code:  EA-0079-002


EP23S Power Supply, 12V/2.5A Switching c/w PS2

 Product Code: EP-0023-003



 Metal Casing –381(H)x330(W)x91(D) mm

 Product Code: CS-1127X

 Entry Keypad
 EK9S Keypad

 Product Code: ER-0009-001 (Beige), ER-0009-B01 (Dark Grey)


 Entry Keypad c/w Reader


 EK9R Keypad with 4×7 Segment Display, built-in with EM reader

 Product Code: ER-0009-R01




 EK8R/B Keypad with 4×7 Segment Display, built-in with EM reader

 Product Code: ER-0009-R02




EK8RX /B Keypad with 4×7 Segment Display, built-in with EM reader

 Product Code: ER-008R-B01



EK848 Touch Sense LCD Keypad Reader

 Product Code: ER-0848-SE1 

 Entry/ Exit Reader
 ERM923 EM Reader
 ERM823 EM Reader

 ER928 Mifare Reader


 ERH923 HID Reader


ER36 Bar-Code Reader


ER5S Magnetic Reader


HR-CRHandkey Palm Reader

 Product Code: ER-1000-003


 ER301 Fingerprint Reader

 Product Code: ER-0301-001


 EM Proximity Card


Mifare Contactless Smart Card


 HID Proximity Card

 Magnetic Card
 Access Management Software

 Single-workstation Access Management Software


 WinPro 2

 Multi-workstation Access Management Software



 EL70R Communicator, RS485 to USB

 Product Code: EL-070R-001


EL70W Communicator, RS485 to USB, Built-in with Softkey II (Software to be programmed)

 Product Code: EL-070W-001


 EL70T Communicator, Multidrop to RS232

 Product Code:  EL-0070-004


EL70Y Communicator, Multidrop/RS485 to USB, with software key slot

 Product Code: EL-US70-G02