6 Ways To Monitor Employees In Your Establishment

6 Ways to Monitor Employees In Your Establishment

Published on : February 22, 2021

How can you better monitor your employees?

  1. Ask other employees for feedback
  2. “Shadow” your employees at work
  3. Spot-check progress regularly
  4. Add restriction with a Door Access System
  5. Invest in a Human Resource Management System
  6. Monitor only the necessary information

There are numerous ways to monitor employees, and it will depend on your company culture and nature of business. Some focus on in-person guidance while others install a door access system in the Philippines. Aside from preventing the violation of policies and correcting mistakes, employee monitoring can also give you information on who to reward for their good work. For more tips on this topic, continue reading.

Ask Other Employees For Feedback

Ask Other Employees For Feedback

As their manager, your employees will always be on their best behavior when meeting you. That’s what makes it a good idea to ask around regularly about their work performance. Ensure that the conversation will only focus on business-related topics and veer away from personal issues. The people you could ask are:

  • Customers
  • Coworkers
  • Supervisors
  • Suppliers

Although when doing this, take what other people say with a grain of salt. Know who you can trust, compare accounts, and get every perspective of all persons involved. Understand that a good employee will also have days when they won’t do well – they can’t be expected to produce 100% output at all times.

“Shadow” Your Employees At Work

Shadowing is a popular activity done by on-the-job trainees. This way, interns gain valuable knowledge on how tasks are completed in the “real-world”.

As a manager, you can also benefit by doing this practice in the workplace. This way, you will have information that can help you analyze your business processes.

If you notice your employees having a hard time at work, “shadowing” can help you correct their mistakes. This hands-on training is beneficial, especially for newer hires. You can also delegate this task to your team leaders and competent workers who know the job best.

Spot-check Progress Regularly

Spot-check Progress Regularly

When you’re working on big projects, progress can be slow especially if your people encounter roadblocks too often. To ensure that everyone is on the same timeline, it helps to conduct regular spot checks. This way, you can correct any mistakes early.

To do spot-checks, remember to be firm but fair. Inform your team of your goals and expectations for the project. Great leaders know how to give considerations but still instill discipline. If you do this consistently, your employees will be more willing to approach you when problems arise—rather than waiting for you to catch them.

Add Restriction With A Door Access System

In an organization, not all employees are given the same clearance when it comes to access. That’s why managerial positions are typically given more access to different parts of a building. If you operate with manual locks and keys, monitoring employee access could be difficult. Keys could be lost, duplicated, or used without your permission.

With a card-based door access system, you can restrict which employees can access a room in a given timeframe. You can also customize cards, with managers permitted important rooms while the rest of the staff can only enter the general area. And the bonus is, you don’t have to replace locks when a card gets lost! Using the software included, you can remove card access from the system.

Invest In A Human Resource Management System

Invest In A Human Resource Management System

With the right HR software, you can garner accurate and trustworthy information when it comes to employee attendance. Meanwhile, outdated systems might have loopholes such as buddy time punching and employee theft. You also have increased labor for your HR staff—which also adds to your overhead costs.

To monitor your people accurately, an advanced HR Management System is recommended. Aside from generating reports automatically, you can also customize work patterns—such as setting time for breaks—and reduce payroll theft. Since the software is flexible, you can choose the data capture you prefer, whether it’s the use of proximity cards, biometrics, or face recognition.

Monitor Only The Necessary Information

When employing monitoring protocols, be transparent with your employees. Explain how and why they will be observed. This way, they will be more comfortable during the process. To lessen the feeling of being oppressed, it is also a good idea to offer rewards for good behavior. One example is offering perks for people with perfect attendance.

When monitoring, stick to the basics. Some experts don’t recommend surveying everything from phone calls to computer screens. Reflect on what you need to prioritize in your organization. This way, you can build trust and not ruin it.

Key Takeaway

Some of the most effective ways to monitor employees without having to be present in person are to invest in access control and human resource management system. Doing these will let you gain accurate information in real-time which you can use to reward your workers.

If you have additional questions on automated systems for your establishment, do not hesitate to send a message. ELID can help you choose the device and software you need to increase employee efficiency and add accountability to your company.