Graphics of a person accessing cloud data through a cellphone

The Road To Efficient Security With Cloud-based Security

Published on : March 27, 2020

What are the advantages of cloud-based security?

  1. Adds protection against DDoS
  2. Increases data protection
  3. Robust support system
  4. Cost-efficient
  5. High level of accessibility


The contemporary age has led to many innovations regarding data protection. With the rise of cloud storage technologies, the high level of information accessibility has also been met with a proliferation of different types of cyberattacks. One kind of protection against these attacks is called cloud-based security.

Cloud-based security is also called cloud computing security. It denotes a set of protocols, policies, and controls which collaborate with one another to generate protection and security for cloud-based systems. With cloud-based security, information is protected as well as customer and client privacy.

This centralized security solution allows businesses to focus on the more important aspects of their operations. If you’re looking to incorporate cloud-based security for your organizational and security needs, then continue reading to learn more about its advantages.

Adds Protection Against DDoS

A hooded man committing Distributed Denial of Service Attacks

One evident advantage of cloud-based security is that they add another layer of protection against cyber attacks. Particularly against DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service attacks. Simply put, these attacks are often experienced by web servers of large media conglomerates, government bodies, banking businesses, and the like.

DDoS attacks flood the particular web server with high traffic. It can also temporarily shut down the network in order to make it difficult for people who need access to a particular resource or piece of information.

Reliable cloud-based security solutions are effective in mitigating this problem. They prevent the arrival of high traffic flows in order to prevent a network or system shutdown. Aside from identifying the source of the DDoS attack, cloud-based security also subsequently spreads out and monitors the attack. This ensures that it will no longer be able to infiltrate pertinent network channels.

Increases Data Protection

With the invention of the internet, the travel of information has become easier. Geographical boundaries no longer serve as obstacles with regard to data sharing and transfer. It is precisely because of this reason, however, that more virtual systems are becoming vulnerable to attacks.

There have been cases of government data breaches conducted by other countries in other countries as well. This kind of situation does not only compromise the latter’s national security, but also the personal data privacy of the millions of people in its population.

With the adoption of top-tier cloud-based security solutions, data protection is no longer an issue. Purveyors of this kind of service have been able to develop robust security protocols in order to protect sensitive data and network-based transactions. This has prevented an external attack from gaining access to this information.

Robust Support System

Graphics representing data security through the cloud

When it comes to ensuring your business’s or organization’s data protection, you would want to rely on a cloud-based security provider to serve you at any time of the day. A lack of this kind of security protection would not only slow down the productivity levels of the employees but would also lead to a loss of valuable time.

Another advantage of incorporating cloud-based software is that it provides you with constant support in order to protect your organization’s assets. This kind of security solution has the capability of conducting live monitoring operations on your company’s security status. This ensures that no sort of data breach or any kind of cyber attack is performed.


Investing in cloud-based security can be thought of as something of a preventative measure. You have put such a system in place because you want to protect your organization against preventable security threats. Keeping this in mind, companies who have not yet thought of incorporating a dedicated cloud-based security solution make them vulnerable to problems that can be more costly the longer they go unmitigated.

Banks, for example, are just some of the most vulnerable institutions in terms of data breaches. Cyber attacks are getting more sophisticated with the way they’re able to gain access to private information.

With the presence of cloud-based security, the banks would no longer have to expend much of their manpower and capital resources in order to rectify the problem. Cloud-based security presents these banks with cost-efficient outcomes. It could potentially allow the bank’s customers to restore their trust in the institution and hence prevent the bank from a significant loss in revenue.

High Level of Accessibility

A woman accessing company information through the cloud

Aside from the positive security benefits cloud-based security solutions give companies, they also offer them with a high level of information accessibility.

Cloud computing has made it easier for people to gain access to their necessary companies and resources, simply through the palm of their hands. This is because the system allows them to view, analyze, and interpret data through mobile devices such as smartphones.

Employees can be assured that they’re viewing information through a secure and protected network. They know that their information is being protected by a dedicated cloud-based security provider. Compounded with real-time security monitoring and protocols which are powerful against malicious threats, cloud-based security offers businesses and their employees with convenient information-sharing solutions.

Key Takeaway

The rise of innovative data storage systems, like cloud storage, has also led to a rise in security threats. As such, organizations have begun considering investing in robust forms of cloud-based security in order to protect their customer’s and employees’ information and avoid wasting resources.

The guide above has hopefully equipped you with adequate information on why you should consider adopting cloud security for better data security solutions.