Benefits of Access Control Systems to Hotels and Customers
Published on : February 4, 2020
What are the benefits of access control systems to hotels and customers?
- Reduction in instances of lost keys
- Heightened security in rooms
- Easily accessible entry/exit logs
- Limited instances of theft
Why do hotels and various other lodging establishments employ the use of access control systems? As a way for them to increase the security level in entry and exit points across their buildings. These systems allow hotel owners to more efficiently manage and secure rooms that contain highly-sensitive information or data.
Customers experience this type of system firsthand when they are given specific room-access key cards when they check-in at a hotel. Using access control systems benefits both the owner and the customer in various ways. It can help both parties gain a heightened sense of safety while conducting their businesses.
What are the other benefits of access control systems to hotels and customers? Read on!
Reduction In Instances Of Lost Keys

One of the most traditional tools used in order to secure a particular room is the key. Keys are manufactured and molded to open specific types of locks, drawers, or doors. While some hotel owners still employ the use of the traditional key, more and more establishments are choosing to evolve towards more practical forms. This includes security such as a key card or a password-based system.
How do hotels and customers benefit from this evolution in security and access? With this system in place, both are less likely to experience instances of losses. For example, a customer will not have to go through so much trouble to have their keycard replaced in the event that they lose it. Keycards are easily reconfigurable by hotel management.
Heightened Security in Rooms

Another benefit access control systems offer to both customers and hotel owners is that they provide an increased sense of security across the board. Doing away with the traditional bolt and lock towards a predominantly software-based system allows for fewer instances of key duplication.
Imagine this: a keycard is specifically configured to open one specific type of room. The customer is only able to access the room they were checked into. This means that the hotel room door only recognizes the card it is programmed to authorize entry to.
The limited access that the keycard offers allows customers to feel safer in their rooms. They won’t have to worry about strangers breaking in and stealing their belongings and other valuables. At the same time, the owners will feel more confident under the high-technology system. They won’t have to expend resources in dealing with easily-avoidable security issues.
Easily Accessible Entry/Exit Logs

A number of front desk managers in older hotels may still require the customer to manually write their check-in time on a paper logbook. While this practice still works, there are inherent dangers in refusing to keep a digitized, centralized, and more systematized way of tracking entries and exits. For example, if a catastrophic event may occur, these manual logs might be near impossible to recover.
Access control systems supplement the shortcomings found within this manual method. They offer a more easily-manageable and highly-efficient way of tracking the volume of people exiting or entering a room at any given time of day. These electronic logs contain more accurate information which the owners can use to review a hotel’s activities for a given time period. Information collected by these logs is also useful for the owners. In the event that they may need to conduct an investigation relating to possible instances of security breaches, they can use the data as evidence.
Limited Instances Of Theft

The most obvious benefit offered by access control systems is that they allow both customers and owners to minimize possible cases of theft and security breaches.
Hotel owners have the advantage of keeping electronic records of movements across their establishments. They are able to monitor activities in each room as well as be notified in the event of an anomaly. Since hotel owners also keep classified information and other sensitive records, it’s important for them to be able to store these inside highly-secured rooms. Rooms that people cannot easily gain access to. These access control systems provide the owners with more protection as they conduct their daily operations.
Key Takeaway
The move towards more advanced technology in terms of hotel security allows both customers and owners to feel more at ease as they go about their daily activities. With access control systems, the benefits far outweigh the initial cost of overhauling an entire operation. It’s the hotel owner’s job to make the customers feel secure, and achieving this is as simple as finding the best-fit system for your establishment.